Thursday, June 02, 2005

Travelling Ellaberry

Ella is s traveling wonder. In the past month, she has visited St. Louis and checked out the penguins at the St. Louis zoo, travelled to North Carolina and sepnt time beachin' it at the Seaside Club, and then this psat weekend to.... Moorhead, MN! Jared took Ella up there to see her grandparents. I stayed back to finish my dissertation, but it sounds like I missed some cute sayings. Apparently when Jared was talking to her about seeing grandma ArNetta, Ella would say "ruru?" (after grandma Ruth). And then she would say "viCK" in response to other inquires about grandmas. Jared's theory was that "ruru" meant grandmas she doesn't see very often and "viCK" meant grandmas she sees more regularly.
Ella's vocabulary is quite expansive. Here are some recollections: nose, back, cheek (she wants to put the Burt Bees cream on her CHEEK!), bounce, blue (every color is blue) and of course, BABY! Ella has also learned about the concept of her "safe space" (leave it to us shrinks), which comes in handy whenever I am vacuuming.

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