Being with Ella in the summer is what it is really all about. She loves to BE in the moment, swinging, sliding, swimming. Here is a pic from our trip to the lake a few weekends ago. Ella enjoyed looking for little fossil-like snail shells and having them all collected together in my pocket.
Here are a few Ella catch phrases: "What you said?" "Yesterday when..." (ella has no concept of time in the past and yesterday refers to everything from "remember yesterday when I was in your stomach?" to "remember yesterday when we went to maggie moos?"
She is such a little conversationalist. I overheard her and Jared talking the other day and she was asking him all sorts of great questions like, "why do we need toes?" "what is hair for?" She pretty much went through every body part and Jared loved it, a budding curious little scientist on our hands.