Well, it sure felt like forever, but we made it to Sanibel safe and sound. The plane was delayed, so we spent much of Thursday afternoon trying to keep Ella entertained in the terminal. We landed here in Florida about 11pm and the little trooper did great! She slpet a little bit on the plane, but with no nap and hardly any good food, was finally able to rest on the drive to the island.
We have had great weather so far.. sunny and in the 80s every day. The first day we stayed around the condo and I tried my best to get Ella into the pool. She was afraid of a lot of things... bugs, leaves in the pool, the pool drains. She pretty much stayed on the steps of the pool. She said to me while I was in the pool, "Stay in the middle of the pool, okay mommy? Just be careful, okay?" or she'd say, "see, nothing happened to mommy when she went swimming." She did, however, discover the geckos and loves to go looking for them. She said, "I want to go outside" then Jared says, "Why don't you go out on the porch?" and then Ella says, "no, I want to go gegkoside!"
Yesterday we went to the ocean. It took some time to actually get to the ocean, becuase Ella stopped every few minutes and complained about the sand in her shoe. I asked Jared where these types of genes come from and he said from him. He remembered being a little boy and staying beind the rest, commenting that he was stubborn. Once we made it to the beach, Ella had a blast. Jared actually got her to go out in the ocean with him and they swam around for a really long time. Ella liked playing with the seashells and creating sand castles.
Today we went to Tarpon Bay and rented a kayak. Ellz was a little scared at first, but she soon learned that we wouldn't tip over. She liked to run her fingers through the water and look for birds in the mangroves. She also liked trying to catch leaves as they floated by. After kayaking, we went to eat lunch at the Island Cow! That's all for now.. more adventures to come!